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Battistelli SDT


Grow, improve, learn to teach... ma come?

Alberto Battistelli was born on 29 August 1960 in Senigallia, Ancona.

In 1978 he graduated as a dental technician from the G. Eastman Institute in Rome

Member of the scientific committee of numerous sector magazines since 1984, he has held courses, conferences and published numerous articles in Italy and abroad.

As a student and collaborator of Prof. Mario Martignoni, he specialized in dental microscopy and has held international courses and conferences on the subject since 1987.


Founder of AFG Dental Academy

He created the new codified system to design, model and communicate the natural and functional shape of human teeth, based on mathematical-geometric criteria: A.F.G. (Anatomic FunctionalGeometry) published for the first time in six languages ​​(Dental dialogue 2002).

2008 National president and founder of the Italian College of Dental Technicians.

2008 National president and founder of the Italian College of Dental Technicians.

2010 He publishes a book entitled “AFG Modelling” on the A.F.G technique (translated into 13 languages) in collaboration with Dr. Dario Severino and Dr. Oto La Manna, edited by “Team Work Media SRL”.

2013 he received the specialization in digital dental technology and the university certificate of Digital Dental Techinician (SDT) at the Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome.

Since 2014 he has been a teacher and co-director of the Advanced Training and Specialization course in digital dental technology at the Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome.

2017 He published “AFG Copybook” translated into 6 languages, edited by “Team Work Media SRL”.

2019 He opens in Rome the Cultural Conference Center, a specialized center for the professional training of dentists and dental technicians.

On 11 July 2019 in Rome the Office of the President of the Senate of the Italian Republic, chaired by the Honorable Senator Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, awarded him with an official ceremony in the Isma room, together with his collaborators, for having made AFG a "ITALIAN EXCELLENCE IN THE WORLD".

2020 Founder of AFG Dental Academy (International Dental Modeling Academy).

2021 publishes the text “AFG MEMO” with the same publisher and other authors translated into 6 languages.

Since 2023 he has been a professor of Anatomy with the AFG system at the Unicamillus University of Rome, degree course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics - Dental Materials (Prof. Paola Cozza).


Our annual dental anatomy and modeling course with the AFG technique is a complete program to learn definitively and once and for all the natural human dental shape, in its natural morpho-functional aspects.

The color module is an AFG course suitable for those who have already learned the shape with the AFG system, but it can be attended by anyone, dental technician or dentist, who wants to delve deeper into a topic that is both ancient and current.